How to extract tables from image

  1. Go to the demo page.
  2. Upload the input (JPG, PNG, JPEG) image
  3. upload image for tables extraction
  4. Wait for 5-10 seconds to finish and download the table output and text output
  5. download table from image

    If you are Web-PRO user, you have the below options
  6. After some time (within 24 hours), check the Transactions History by clicking on the “View Transactions” button on the same page
  7. check transactions
  8. The “View Transactions” click will return all your past 24-hour transactions, the files triggered for PDF to Excel conversion
  9. download tables extracted from PDF
  10. Click on the “Download” to download the Excel output
  11. To change the output setting, go to the top of the page and toggle as per your need
  12. table output options